An anti-inflammatory diet can help identify eczema triggers

An anti-inflammatory diet can help identify eczema triggers

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Eczema is a common skin problem that affects people of all ages. Its severity ranges from just dry, flaky patches of skin, to redness and inflammation of the skin, and eczema is usually accompanied by severe itching.

The exact cause of eczema is still unknown, but most studies indicate that genetics and the immune system are involved.

Eczema symptoms appear in the form of bouts, which appear at one time and disappear at other times, and at a different rate between individuals. In general, those affected are advised to avoid eczema triggers, which are the factors that stimulate the appearance of symptoms, or increase their severity, the most prominent of which are:

Dry or cold weather.
Pet dander and hair.
Mites, dust, and mold.
Chemicals in perfumes, soaps, and detergents.
Currently, there are no medical recommendations regarding the appropriate diet to relieve eczema, but over the course of decades, researchers have studied the potential role of nutrition in the onset of eczema attacks, and they have found that what a person eats and drinks can affect the frequency and severity of attacks, and that certain foods limit They affect some individuals but not others. These foods include:

citrus fruits.
Soy products.
Nightshade vegetables such as: eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers.
the milk.
The best way to know if your eczema is affected by any type of food is to monitor whether symptoms appear after eating certain types of food, and write down the foods that caused their appearance, and then you can use the exclusion strategy, by removing the suspected food from the system. Diet, then gradually return it after a period of time, and if this is accompanied by an increase in symptoms, it is possible that this type of food is the trigger.

Anti-inflammatory diets can be a good option for patients with eczema, which is characterized by:

Avoid added sugar, simple carbohydrates, and processed foods.
Focus on eating healthy plant proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy oils.
Include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, which are fatty fish such as: salmon, sardines, and mackerel.
Fermented foods, probiotics, and prebiotics.

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