Aloe vera benefits (the miracle plant)

Aloe vera benefits (the miracle plant)

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The Importance of Aloe Vera in Ancient Civilizations

A drawing of the cactus plant was found engraved on the walls of temples 4000 years ago BC, at the time of the ancient Egyptians, when they revered it and respected its presence among them, and the ancient Egyptians were

They consider that the cactus plant has the power of magic over the bodies so that it was considered among the royal plants reserved for the Pharaoh and his followers from among the people of fortune

The Arabs introduced the cactus plant and introduced it to the kingdoms that were conquered during the bright era of the Arab conquests in the east and west of the land

After that, Christian missionaries planted aloe vera in several places in the world, and it was cultivated for the first time in the Barbados Islands in the year 1595 AD


The American Indians in Central America and Mexico used the aloe vera plant on a large scale in the treatment of their various diseases, such as cough, arthritis, cataracts, stomach pain, infections of the digestive system, ulcers of the legs, varicose veins, gangrene, fungal infection with candida, and skin infections. Different, and these is just a few of the many aloe vera plants can do to treat


Types of aloe vera

There are 300 types of different types of aloe vera, but all of them do not have the therapeutic healing characteristic, while the only type that contains aloin is the one that is widely used in the treatment and is called (Aloe vera), which grows abundantly in the Barbados islands, from which it spread To grow abundantly in Europe, America, and many countries of the world

There is also a similar type of cactus known as Aloe Socotra, relative to the island of Socotra, next to Yemen, and it is a type that does not have a repulsive smell. History tells that the ancients used to preserve their dead or embalm their bodies in a mixture of both aloe vera and the myrrh plant

The third type of aloe vera with therapeutic value is Aloe Verox, which grows in South Africa

Aloe vera is considered the most important and best type of aloe vera, due to the high percentage of the active substance it contains, which is aloin, which is found at a rate of 18 to 25% of the plant's weight

The aloe vera plant is characterized by being very patient with thirst

It is said that Alexander the Great invaded the island of Socotra to obtain the aloe vera crop that was growing there, where the soldiers collected the aloe vera plant to treat the wounded soldiers who were injured in the various war battles. And the cactus plant is very patient even after it is uprooted from the ground, and its texture or effect does not fade from the effect of that

People may have known through ancient times, since man became aware of the world, that the aloe vera plant heals the skin and its various diseases, but what many do not know is that the aloe vera plant can be taken in the form of a drink or juice, or even capsules intended for swallowing

And those who take it say about their experience in that that it renews the cells of the body from the inside, just as it does from the outside, and this is a reasonable and acceptable logic that can be adopted

It cures various diseases of the body or reduces their complications, such as diabetes, arthritis, various diseases of the digestive system, and other diseases


Aloe Vera Formula

The aloe vera leaf contains two types of medicinal compounds: olein and gel

And olein is a compound that has the medicinal capacity to cure many diseases that affect humans

While the gel is that transparent liquid substance that treats burns, wounds, and other skin diseases


Properties of Aloe Vera juice

It has the ability to kill many types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses

It has the ability to dilate blood vessels that supply damaged areas

When the juice is placed on the damaged surface areas, it soothes and numbs them, and works to heal and exonerate them

It has anti-inflammatory qualities, and it removes swelling from tissues, such as skin or muscles

Accelerates the healing process, and stimulates the regeneration of cells instead of those that were damaged or died as a result of the injury

A researcher on aloe vera reported that it is anti-inflammatory because it contains 6 important elements (lupeol, salicylic acid, urea, nitrogen, cinnamic acid, phenol, and sulfur), which remove many external and internal infections from the body

The researcher also pointed out that the first two factors in this group of compounds, in addition to magnesium, can be a strong analgesic for pain, and this makes the aloe vera plant an analgesic and a painkiller

There are also 3 other anti-inflammatory compounds in the aloe vera plant, which are credited with calming the internal organs, which are (cholesterol, campesterol, B-sitosterol), and these compounds are anti-inflammatory fatty acids, as they relieve liver, kidney, stomach, intestine, and colon pain And the pancreas, and helps patients with rheumatoid, rheumatic fever, various ulcers, and allergies, and that through many and long centuries of human life, until the aloe vera plant deserved to be said about it (it is the doctor plant) that helps, with the grace of God, in the treatment of many patients


Aloe vera treats cancer

It is said by Dr. - Julian Whitaker - one of the most important doctors in North America in the branches of alternative medicine, who has research and experiences with patients, and is published periodically in scientific journals interested in health and treatment

Where Dr. Whitaker says: "A 10-year-old boy was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor (Meningioma). The surgeons treating the sick child admitted that they could not remove the entire tumor, as it represents a serious risk to the child's safety. Unfortunately, the disease continued to grow and grow in the child's head, until it caused the child severe bulging eyes and excruciating pain, and the doctors decided that the case was hopeless, and the recovery rate was zero

And there was a friend of the child's family, who advised them that the child should drink concentrated aloe vera juice at the rate of a cup or 240 ml every day

After 3 months of consuming aloe vera juice regularly, the surprise that held the breath of all the doctors who were treating the child from his illness was that the tumor had completely disappeared, and the child had become healthy and healthy, but he still continued to drink aloe vera juice


Aloe Vera benefits for rheumatism and joint stiffness

One of the women who sent (a letter of thanks) to the one who prescribed the aloe vera plant as a treatment for her, said that she was expelled saying, "I was complaining of excruciating pain in all my body due to rheumatism, joint stiffness, with severe swelling in the legs and knees, and I could not walk at all except on a wheelchair

I went to many specialized doctors, and I found nothing but the traditional treatment of painkillers, which did not help me solve my health problem, and it continued for 8 years of psychological torment and pain until I thought that there might be bone cancer, and that was because of the severity of the pain

In the end, she found no choice but to go to the major clinics with a reputation for treating difficult cases, and she was diagnosed in that clinic as suffering from the rheumatoid disease in the joints, and she was given 18 injections of gold extract, which made her in a miserable state of health. Her lips were cracked, and various sores covered her body until it covered her mouth

She left her job and was unable to even hold a cup of tea in her hands, and her body was weak, and other health problems added to the effect of the treatment she was taking

Until fate willed and brought her together with a friend of the family, who was talking about the wonders of the aloe vera plant, and its healing abilities for some diseases. Immediately, she started taking aloe vera capsules, and it was a miracle of recovery, as her condition improved over the course of 6 months of treatment, the swelling began to subside from all over her body, and all the pains disappeared from her, and she started walking without help from anyone, and she regained all the days she had missed from the days of physical disability, To make up for those years she spent in torment and pain with illness

There are many, many stories in this context, all of which talk and mention the virtue of the aloe vera plant to speed up recovery from many ailments and diseases that befell its owners


Aloe Vera benefits for the treatment of stomach ulcers

The Journal of the American Society for Alternative Medicine mentioned it in its April 1963 issue. In part (62) of a report issued by it entitled “Aloe vera plant and its effect in the treatment of stomach ulcers,” the report was prepared by Dr. Blitz Smith- that he used the aloe vera plant in the treatment of patients suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, and the number of patients was 18 patients

The result was that all patients were completely cured, except for one case only, which did not continue the treatment program, meaning that the success rate is 100% in the end

The results indicated that aloe vera juice completely covers the mucous membrane of the digestive system, thus preventing further erosion that previously led to ulcers. While traditional medicines for treating stomach ulcers work to reduce the amounts of hydrochloric acid produced by some specialized glands in the membrane lining the stomach and duodenum, which may later lead to a state of indigestion


Aloe vera benefits for hair and skin

In a study conducted in 1973. An Egyptian doctor from Cairo University studied the effect of aloe vera in treating cases of baldness (hair loss), acne, and skin hypersensitivity

The study showed that a total of 12 subjects, who were suffering from baldness, had new hair growth, including a 12-year-old boy, whose hair grew in a short period of one week only

The study also included a number of women between the ages of 23-25 years, and who were suffering from an intense presence of acne on their faces, and treatment with aloe vera plants might work if they were cured in a short period of one month of continuing treatment, and no trace of acne was left on their faces. after that

Dr. Max B. Skusen - Director of the (Medication by Aloe Vera Plant) Program at the Research Institute in the City of the Western Valley, Utah State - USA - and author of several valuable books on natural Medicine, including the book "Therapeutic Plant of the Ancient Egyptians - Aloe Vera" indicated. Dr. Max stated that aloe vera restores damaged skin and prevent cracks

He explained, in his prescription for the treatment of acne: (You have to clean the face and wash it with lukewarm water morning and evening, then cover the face with aloe vera juice or fresh gel, and let it dry on the face, and this acts as a tightening of the facial skin, and reduces the oily substances that the skin of the face contains, which are Responsible for the weakening of the skin and the formation of acne among many other reasons, the most important of which is the intake of iodine with table salt, as is the case with eating market foods full of fat and salt


Aloe Vera benefits for AIDS Patients

And in the issue issued by the newspaper (Dallas Time Herald) on July 12, 1988 AD. Dr. Terry Balas stated that when an AIDS patient takes a dose of aloe vera juice that has not been exposed to air, amounting to 20 ounces, which is equivalent to 600 grams of aloe vera juice per day, it helps the AIDS patient to return to the state of health he was in before his illness, and he can He goes about his usual work, where all the symptoms of his illness disappear, and he becomes a normal person again

The sooner the patient immediately after infection with the AIDS virus takes aloe vera juice, the more effective it will be in obtaining decisive results in reducing the complications associated with the disease

Dr. Terry advises AIDS patients to consume that amount (600 grams) of aloe vera juice daily for two years, on a regular basis

And Dr. Terry continues, saying, "Yes, we have deaths from AIDS, but these are patients who are exposed to radiation or chemotherapy when they develop some tumors in the skin, or in any other different parts of the body, or who take more The drug is with the drug (AZT), and these drugs combined all work to demolish the rest of the body's immune system, and it becomes a hotbed for all kinds of opportunistic microbes, viruses, and fungi that invade the body


:Medicinal properties of aloe vera plant

Tonic for hair follicles• 

 Preserve the freshness of the skin•

 Pain reliever•


 A purifier for chest pains•

Savior of toxins• 

A brain purifier• 

 regulator of blood pressure•

Tonic for eyesight• 

A laxative for the large intestine• 

Moisturizing and softening the skin• 

 Helper in cell growth•

Pain reliever• 


 Triglyceride reducer•

 regulator of the level of cholesterol in the blood•

regulator of the level of sugar in the blood• 

Tonic for the immune system in the body• 

 Preserving the suppleness of the skin in old age•

 Savior of the skin from dead cells•

Reduced acne marks

Reducing inflammation and skin irritation after shaving• 

Killer of acne bacteria and microbes• 

 Whitening the skin of the face, by applying half a spoonful of aloe vera juice with honey and rose water•

Whitening facial skin by mixing a teaspoon of aloe vera juice with the juice of a group of fruits for a quarter of an hour, then washing with water• 

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Wael Muhammad Rashad Othman Baza


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