How to lose weight in a healthy way

How to lose weight in a healthy way

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 How to lose weight in a healthy way

The best way to lose weight and maintain it

The introduction

Having a positive attitude is an important factor in achieving success in losing and controlling a person’s weight. Therefore, careful commitment to following a healthier lifestyle is necessary to ensure permanent weight loss.

An individual can control his weight, as losing weight requires eating a smaller amount of calories or burning an amount of calories greater than the body’s need, and it is better to apply both matters together.

It should be noted that following a low-calorie diet may make the individual feel deprived and increase his craving for food. It also often leads to a decrease in muscle mass rather than the loss of fat, and the result is a body that is not fit. Here comes the role of exercise that will maintain muscle and burn fat.

On the other hand, low-calorie diets largely lack many important nutrients, which puts the person at risk of malnutrition. More importantly, research has shown that individuals who follow such diets usually regain the weight they lost, unlike individuals who gradually lose weight by eating less food and exercising more. Below are the steps that an individual should follow to lose weight.

Determine body mass index:


There are many ways to measure ideal weight, and calculating the body mass index is one of the most common ways to determine whether a person is overweight through a mathematical formula that uses the individual’s height and weight. The body mass index is calculated by multiplying the weight in kilograms by 703, dividing the result by the individual’s height in centimeters, then re-dividing the result by the height again.


(Weight in kilograms x 703) / (Height in centimeters) = BMI


For example, if an individual's weight is 133 kilograms and his height is 155 centimetres, his body mass index is 47.3. If the body mass index reaches 25 or more, this means that the individual suffers from obesity, and if it exceeds 30, the individual is at risk of developing obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease. If it exceeds 40, the individual is considered morbidly obese.


How many calories does an individual need?

The body's energy needs vary from one individual to another, but there are ways to estimate the amount of calories that the body needs, including a simple method that depends on the level of physical activity in which the individual first needs to determine his level of physical activity (low, moderate, or high) according to the following definitions:

Low: If the individual does not engage in any physical activity regularly or if what he does is limited to recreational activities only on weekends.

Moderate: When his exercise program includes cardiovascular and blood vessel-stimulating exercises (aerobics) for a period ranging from 30-60 minutes a day, at least three days a week.

High: When an individual's activities include intense daily exercise for 60 minutes or more per day at least four days per week.


Make sure to take advantage of calories:


The Food Pyramid Guide is an excellent way to ensure that an individual gets all of his nutritional needs while trying to lose weight. The appropriate nutritional balance helps in losing weight and improving nutrition.



In order to ensure healthy eating, a notebook can be allocated in which the individual records the food and liquids he consumes on a daily basis, detailing the exact quantities and portions of food and drink. The individual must be honest and accurate in recording information in order to benefit from this notebook, which also helps the individual understand his eating habits and evaluate the foods he chooses.

Put all components of your weight loss plan into effect:

In addition to changing one's diet through moderate calorie restriction and food monitoring, it is very important to include exercise as part of the effort to lose and maintain weight. You should consult a doctor about the best appropriate exercises and set a goal for exercising.


They include some findings from research conducted to date:

.Individuals who succeeded in losing weight reported that they made radical changes in their eating and exercise habits in order to get rid of the excess weight and maintain their new weight. On average, participants indicated that the majority of them ate approximately 1,400 calories per day, with 24 percent of these calories coming from fat, and they burned 400 calories per day through exercise. It was also found that walking is the most practiced sport among other activities.

The average weight loss among participants was about 27 kilograms, with the new weight being maintained for approximately five years.

The results showed that two-thirds of the individuals who achieved their weight loss goals were overweight in childhood, and that 60 percent of them came from obese families.

It was also found that 50 percent of those who succeeded in losing weight relied on themselves without participating in any official program and without receiving any help from a specific party.

The results show that those who succeeded in losing weight were similar to other individuals with normal bodies and weight in terms of their resting metabolic rate.


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