Why do many of us Turn to herbal remedies
Herbal Treatment
Many of us Turn to herbal remedies,as an alternative To manufactured pharmaceutical products.
IN The past, herbal remedies were often administered or recommended by one particular personint.The neighborhood, frequently women ,(regarded as switch)
Who was an expert's in herfield.
Herbal remedies may be natural,but that doesn't make them safe and we need to be well informed about the optimum dosage as well as about possible side effects each herb has certain medicinal value, Medicinal value of the plants mainly deends
Open The season in which They are grown and collected.
Natural remedies, which makes use of The power of nature to restore human beings to state of balance
- Common Herbs
1- Echinacea
Echinacea is The best used only when needed for assistance in fighting cold viruses ,flu viruses,and other infactions wher immune system support is needed.
If uses on a regular basis.the body will become Too used to echinacea and some of Echinacea's effectiveness will be lost during the times when is it needed the most.
2-kava kalm
The effect of kava kalm are arelaxation of mental stress while at the same time enhancement of mental capacities .
It also helps to relax striated muscles.
Striated muscles are that can be voluntarily moved such as arm and leg muscles groups-or neck muscles it doesn't affect smooth muscle such as The heart muscle or diaphragm muscle used for breathing.
This common herb has many sulfur.
Containing compounds,which are helpful in enhancing The immune system.
For example daily sulfide has been shown to in hibit chemically caused cancer of The stomach and lungs in mice.
Re search also indicate that garlic stimulates The growth beneficial cells.
Garlic causes aparicular type of anemia in animals, especially in cats.
The consumption of The plant is associated with reduced, death from cancer.
4-Green Tea
Green Tea is stimulant and immune-system booster.
It's also an antioxidant and an astringent,and it has been shown to combat some stomach and skin cancers.
The most exciting aspect of herbal medicine is utilizing The common plants found in backyards Throughout Europe, Canada,The United States,and The desert of our country, Egypt.
5-chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is important to us for many reasons.
- Reduce pain levels.
- Increase The energy.
- Enhance The quailty of life.
- Regulate The emotions.
- Improve the ability to deal with pain.
- Increase The ability to perform ever day functions.