5 Frequently Asked Questions About Angina
Angina pectoris is a condition in which the patient feels discomfort around the chest, which is expressed by pressure, burning, suffocation, tightness, heaviness or pressure. Sometimes the sensation can be felt in other parts of the body, including the chin, shoulders, neck, or back. What causes angina, what are your chances of developing the disease, and what is the best treatment for the disease? Read the following five frequently asked questions to answer your questions about the disease.
What causes angina?
Angina is usually caused by coronary artery disease. Because cholesterol plaque narrows the coronary arteries, during exercise or stress, the buildup of blood can prevent the heart muscle from supplying oxygen. A lack of oxygen to the heart muscle can cause chest pain or angina. Another less common cause of the disease is coronary artery spasm. When muscle fibers in the artery walls contract rapidly, the spasm reduces blood flow to the heart muscle, causing angina.
Who is most likely to have angina?
The people most likely to develop chest pain are men over the age of 55 and women around the age of 65. Other factors that increase risk include smoking, high blood pressure, kidney disease, obesity, sedentary life, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and a family history of early cardiovascular disease.
What are the types of angina?
The disease is divided into two types: stable and unstable chronic angina.
Chronic stable angina usually occurs when your heart needs more oxygen during exercise or stress. Pain relieves with rest.
Unstable angina can occur at any time and does not improve even with rest. This type of chest pain is severe and may be a symptom of a more serious health problem, such as a heart attack.
How do we treat disease?
Chronic stable angina can be treated with rest and medications such as nitroglycerin (tablets or sprays), beta-blockers (eg, acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, durolol sodium, propranolol, and timolol), calcium channel blockers (eg amlodipine, biperiden, Dilty). etc.), isradipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nimodipine, nifedipine sudipine and verapamil) or ranolazine (Ranxa). If you have been diagnosed with unstable angina, you will need to see your doctor to get the right treatment for this problem.
How do we prevent angina pectoris?
The best way to prevent disease is to change your lifestyle. You can do this starting today by:
- stop smoking.
Eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- exercise regularly,
- avoid stress,
- Maintains a normal weight
Treat conditions that can increase your chances of developing symptoms such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.