Treatment of excess electricity in the brain herbal
Definition of excess electricity in the brain
The increase in electricity in the body and the brain is one of the problems that afflict humans as a result of a defect in the brain’s electricity cycle, and this is what leads to the occurrence of epileptic seizures. And take the preventive measures recommended by the doctor in order to avoid any complications or risks that may cause damage to the patient's life
Treating excess electrical charges in the brain with herbs
There are many treatments to get rid of these shipments, but herbal treatment is always the best solution after the patient has tried all medical treatments, and the treatment comes as follows
A blend of marjoram, rosemary, artemisia, and hazelnut leaf
A quarter kilo of the following herbs is brought: marjoram, rosemary, artemisia, and hazelnut leaf. If not available, the ginka herb can be used
After that, all these herbs are ground and placed in a sealed container
Then a cup of boiling water is brought and a teaspoon of this powder is put in it and slightly sweetened
After that, it is covered and left for ten minutes until all its benefits and oils drop into the water, and then it is filtered and drunk
A mixture of salam ka, marjoram, and Melissa officinalis
A decoction is made from equal amounts of salam ka, marjoram, and Melissa
This broth is made after every breakfast, lunch, and dinner
A blend of violets, hops, and lemon balm
A herbal drink is prepared, consisting of one hundred grams of violets, one hundred grams of Hops, and fifty grams of lemon balm
After that, these herbs are broken and it is not preferable to grind them at all, and then a cup of boiling water is brought and a tablespoon is placed in this water
It is left soaked for twelve hours, after that it is boiled for five minutes, and one spoonful of it is drunk every morning
The herbal treatment produces excellent results, but it needs to be continued for a period ranging from one to two months. It is also necessary to consult the attending physician so that the herbs do not cross with any other drugs