The secret of the number 10 is in the influence of 10 thoughts that will transport you to the world of purity and tranquility
The secret of the number 10 is in the influence of 10 thoughts that will transport you to the world of purity and tranquility
Close your eyes for ten minutes
Imagine ten beautiful memories in your life
Feel yourself that the world may become calmer when you do ten poses
Convince yourself that you are the first ten people to help calmness and calmness happen
Determine for yourself ten positions that you take in order to achieve psychological prosperity within a short period
Post 10 models for you and others to achieve internal stability
Say to yourself ten times that you live in a calm, pure, inhabited world
After ten minutes, you will feel calm and psychologically calm, so that you are living in your stable inner world
Spread your calmness around you
You are truly yourself and those around you among whom you spread a pure stream of tensions, and you live in a stable and stress-free world
Try to remove the tensions and pressures that you encounter in your daily life in order to save yourself from recurring problems and feel that you live in calmness and inner peace with yourself. Peace of mind is one of the treasures of the world.
With your will only be in the place where you prefer to live