Learn about the 10 most important tips for maintaining healthy kidneys

Learn about the 10 most important tips for maintaining healthy kidneys

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Learn about the 10 most important tips for maintaining healthy kidneys&

 Drink water constantly, at least 3 liters per day-

 Stay away from antibiotics or painkillers as much as possible and should only be given with the advice of a doctor-

 Exercising regularly maintains kidney health. Performing an annual examination of kidney functions-

Avoid smoking, reduce the amount of salt in food, and reduce the use of pickles and citrus fruits-

 Monitor blood pressure. High blood pressure leads to kidney damage, and monitor diabetes or heart disease, if an-

 because it affects the kidneys negatively.

Ensure that women do not take contraceptives without consulting a doctor-

 Adequate rest, lack of stress, and do not drink excessive coffee-

 Eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and avoid excessive proteins, such as meat and chicken-

 Focus on carbohydrates and whole grains, do not eat a lot of saturated fats and sugars, and stay away from carbonated-

 water because it harms the kidneys.

 Maintain weight in order to maintain the health of your body and kidneys, because excess weight causes serious-

 diseases such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, and excess weight affects the tiny capillaries of the kidneys.

 Avoid drinking alcohol.

Kidney preservation drinks&

 Dandelion root drinks the kidneys-
Dandelion root may help clean the kidneys because it is a natural kidney tonic. It also helps enhance bile production and improve digestion, thus eliminating waste that reaches the kidneys. The method of preparing it is as follows:


3 bags of dandelion tea.
1 piece grated fresh ginger.
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper.
2 teaspoon turmeric.
4 sprigs of parsley.
1 tablespoon lemon juice.
1 tablespoon cranberry juice

8 cups of water

 Basil drink cleanses the kidneys-
Basil is a natural diuretic and plays an important role in improving kidney function and getting rid of kidney stones. In addition, basil also helps reduce uric acid levels in the blood, which helps improve kidney health and relieve kidney pain. It can be prepared as follows:


10 fresh basil leaves.
5 fresh sage leaves.
1 tablespoon honey.
1 cup of water

 Cranberry juice-
Raspberry juice is characterized by containing a large amount of nutrients necessary for a healthy body, which makes it excellent for controlling and eliminating toxins and protecting the body from any infection, whether it is the bladder or the urethra, so it is very useful for protection. Urinary Tract.

 Lemon juice-
Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can prevent the formation of kidney stones and also prevent the growth of calcium crystals, so be sure to drink it with cold or warm water and avoid excessive intake because it may have harmful results.

 Pineapple juice-
Pineapple juice is considered one of the juices rich in potassium, and regular consumption is beneficial for people who suffer from kidney problems. Pineapple juice also contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C and manganese, so it has a good effect. Protects the kidneys and removes toxins from them regularly.

 Basil drink cleanses the kidneys-
Basil is a natural diuretic and plays an important role in improving kidney function and getting rid of kidney stones. In addition, basil also helps reduce uric acid levels in the blood, which helps improve kidney health and relieve kidney pain. It can be prepared as follows:


10 fresh basil leaves.
5 fresh sage leaves.
1 tablespoon honey.
1 cup of water.
how to prepare
Its operation is as follows:

Crush the basil and sage leaves and add them to the water.
Sweeten the drink with honey, stir well, then filter and serve.
 Celery drink to clean the kidneys-
Celery is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories as it works to fight bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses in the body, in addition to expelling toxins from the liver and intestinal tract and improving kidney function. Cucumber is also a natural moisturizer for the body as a whole. This drink can be prepared as follows:

the components

1 bunch of celery.
4 pieces of cucumber.
2 - 3 lemons.
1/2 - 1 bunch of parsley.
1 piece of ginger (optional).
1/2 - 1 bunch mint or basil (optional).
1 piece of fresh turmeric root (optional).
How to prepare
It is done as follows:

Cut all the vegetables, remove the lemon peels and chop them, then put them all in the blender and juice until smooth.
Add ice cubes to a serving cup, then pour the drink and drink it immediately.

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